Get Fit Boot Camp

Spring and Summer Challenge

Shin Gi Do Academy of Martial Arts
8552 Warner Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Three 8-week Spring and Summer Challenge sessions for 2010

First Session: March 16 - May 4

Second Session: May 11 - June 29

Third Session: July 13 - August 31

$100 Each session, or sign up for 2 or more before March 13th
and get a $10 discount on each session.

Class meets every Tuesday from 6:00pm - 7:00pm

All workouts will be outside, possibly on grass.
We will meet at the end of the dojo parking lot on the trail for first class,
last session may be on the beach.

Be sure to bring water and a towel.
You may use wrist/ankle weights with instructor approval.

For more information, email or call Kasey Spencer
562-900-9438 (cell)

Jon Ng painting